ICSI Center


We are dedicated to implementing cutting-edge research in the field of Reproductive Biology. Our primary emphasis lies in exploring the complexities of human gametes–spermatozoa and oocytes–to gain insights into their maturation processes and interactions. Beyond that, our investigation extends to understanding the genetic underpinnings of infertility, employing advanced CRISPR-Cas9 editing techniques.

A significant hallmark of our laboratory is our pioneering success in devising and implementing a groundbreaking gender selection method for spermatozoa prior to Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).


Dr. Palermo pioneered the ICSI procedure which revolutionized treatment for male-factor infertility. He has personally performed thousands of ICSI procedures which have led to successful pregnancies and babies for couples with infertility. He continues active academic research pertaining to all fields of gamete and embryo science, he has been appointed professorships at major teaching institutions throughout the world. Dr. Palermo has also delivered more than 157 presentations before international audiences on topic in reproductive medicine, most often related to his pioneering research. He has presented more than 164 abstracts, prepared dozens of book chapters and proceedings and authored or co-authored 101 peer reviewed articles for medical journals including the first reports on the use of ICSI in the Lancet and the New England Journal of Medicine. Dr. Palermo earned his M.D. at the School of Medicine at the University of Bari in Bari, Italy and his M.Sc. at Brussels Free University in Belgium.  He also completed extensive post-doctoral training both in Italy and in Belgium. Dr. Palermo obtained his PhD at Monash University in Victoria, Australia with Professor Alan Trounson in the field of Reproduction and Development.


The inception of ICSI – Brussels, Belgium (1989). A photograph of Dr Gianpiero Palermo and his first micromanipulator, a Leica mechanical micromanipulator, with which he initially began his research at the Brussels Free University in Belgium and led to the development of intracytoplasmic sperm injection.